Saturday, December 6, 2008

A Week of Bodily Fluids

WARNING: This post is not for those of you who do not have the stomach to handle nearly all possible bodily fluids!!! I'm serious.... Don't try to be a hero. I love you too much to allow you to do that.

Ok if you're still here, this post may help with your diet plan.
I'm doing my best to heed the words of Elder Worthlin, and loving what has come my way this week. You may have already asked yourself, what on earth is Liz doing posting on her blog at 3:45am. Well, lets start there for our first bodily fluid of the week.

VOMIT: This guest showed up on Tuesday of this week, just as we were all dressed and about to head out the door for Ben's preschool, and my presidency meeting. Ben got THAT LOOK on his face and before I could say, "Are you ok sweetie," BLUGH....
AMAZING how quickly your plans for the day can take a flying leap out the window after an incident like this. We were doing great for the next few hours, having quite a restful day of movies and juice, and then came nap time. This time however, my little champ got every drop into his "Hiccup" bowl.
Wednesday came and went without incident (minus Grandma coming home with this junk :(.) Thursday was going along just swimmingly. We had a nice day, enjoyed a fun dinner with the Wilkins and Amanda, and headed over to the Festival of Trees. Ben rode over from the restaurant with the Wilkins and I met them as they walked into the festival. I was standing by Ben, when once again, THE LOOK. Just a tip. When you see THE LOOK on your child's face and you're 8 feet away from a garbage can, do not spend those last precious seconds creating a hiccup bowl out of your child's jacket. IT DOESN'T WORK. Get to the garbage can!!!! And yes again...
One funny point. As we were walking to the bathroom to attempt to clean up, Ben looked down and said "Oh man, I got it on my shoes." Ü
We cleaned up, took off his top shirt, and went back into the festival, praying that the joyous smells of Christmas would overpower, the terribly unpleasant smells of the flu. (Just an FYI- He really wanted to stay. Devin was there. Need I say more?)
And now we come to the part of why I am up posting. Just a brief 45 mins. ago or so, I was abruptly awaken to THE SOUND. Ben was sleeping in my bed and sat up to once again "hiccup" all over the pillow he was sleeping on. So, **sigh** I type this to the sound of my bedding in the washer, and now you know why my poor sick little boy is sleeping on the couch with the bowl nearby.

Thankful fors: A sister that will call for a clean up on aisle five, while we leave the scene
A friend who is such a good friend, that double bagging the hiccup bowl jacket is not beyond her
Clorox Wipes & Lysol spray
Antibacterial Soap
Tide with bleach

Guest number two- Pun intended- is indeed diarrhea. Because this flu comes with two symptoms, and I have two boys... Whaaa La. Tucker got the other end. Again, when we were ALMOST out the door Thursday morning, I walked down the hall to get Tucker to put his shoes and socks on, and poop was literally bubbling out of his pants. He had a look of, "Mom, what the heck is going on." I can't say that I blame him. I've never seen such a sight myself. Tucker has had more wardrobe changes this week than he has had in his entire 16 months of life.

Thankful fors: Washers and Dryers
The bubbling pants came BEFORE we left the house
An abundance of 12-18 month clothes

And our third and final (I hope) guest of the week... BLOOD
Now this award goes entirely to me. I'm thinking about finding out if Brittney Spears has any room on her "not perfect" mother's page.
Ben has been doing this cute thing where he will put his green Lightning McQueen hat on backward, and put the red one on Tuck the same way. Well I really wanted to catch a shot of this, but Tucker is a mover. So, in all my wisdom, I thought, "I know, all put him on the table set up for Grandma's sewing, and have Ben stand next to him. Oh no, at the moment I stepped back and snapped the shot, Tucker MOVED. (See below) Landing right on his face, he managed a fat lip, bloody nose, and a lovely bonk on his head. Please don't call DCFS. I really do love my children. Wow!!! Not much more I can say about this one. Sorry Tuck :(

Thankful fors: Sinus cavities that protect the brain
Licorice so that my 1 year old can be distracted while I get the bleeding to stop
Spray and Wash. Takes the blood out of all shirts involved

Time to go switch the laundry and try to get some rest. Hope that I could make you feel better about your parenting skills, and your week ;)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Angel Tree 2008

As I share this post, I find myself torn with the balance of not being boastful, but wanting to share a truly wonderful experience. With that said, here goes.
Thanksgiving day as we talked about what would work for everyone as far as the name exchange for Christmas went, Toni made a suggestion that I felt drawn to immediately. She reminded us how much we all have, and that it tends to get a bit tricky to shop for people who don't need much. She made a suggestion that we put our money that we would spend toward a charity, and as we talked we decided that the Angel Tree was an option that we all felt good about. We called Carolyn and asked her thoughts. She was on board as well, and knew of a charity in Texas that she could contribute to. My Dad has made this suggestion for years, and we finally "got it."
It was decided that we would do this as Family Home Evening the following Monday. We picked up the 9 Angels, and met at Target in Jordan Landing to shop together. What an amazing experience to join together and do our part to make a difference. It was so fun to shop around and assist each other in finding fun things, or great deals. We met afterwards at Wendy's for an easy dinner, and to visit about the night. The cousins love being together (almost as much as the grownups do ;)
My absolute highlight of the night was this; I wanted to attempt to help Ben understand what we were going to be doing that night, and why. As we got our shoes, and coats on, we talked. I told him that tonight we were going to go shopping. That we got to share with kids who didn't maybe have as much as we do, because we have so many blessings. Immediately upon my finishing that sentence he said, pointing to himself, Tucker, and I, "Yeah Mom. Like 1,2,3 blessings." Wow! What more could I say?

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Saturday, November 29, 2008

So Much to be Thankful For

I love Thanksgiving. For the first 25 years of my life, and for a long time before that, my family celebrated Thanksgiving in Evanston, Wyoming with my Buckley side of the family. It was always something I looked forward to, and I was sad that that tradition had to go a couple of years ago. However, this Thanksgiving was truly wonderful. We gathered at Merrill and Cindy's home and spent an amazing day together. I missed Carolyn and Amy and their families, but it was nice to communicate with both of them on that day. Everyone was their contribution in making the meal wonderful. We enjoyed being together with just the right mix of food, family and fun. My favorite part of the day was this; Merrill and Cindy had something very special to give all of us. The blessing was said, and Merrill played the Josh Groban, So Much to be Thankful For, song. I was touched so deeply as it gave me the opportunity to look back over the past year at the innumerable blessings that are mine. I want my family, friends, and all of my loved ones to know that I am Thankful For them.

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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Chuck E. Cheese, where a kid can......

So, my great friend Amanda kept the boys for me for a bit tonight, and she was at Chuck E.Cheese with the boys when I was done with what I was doing. She spoiled the boys rotten and got them more tokens then any 3 & 1 year old would ever need. They had this cute place that you could put a token in and have your picture drawn by Chuck E. Cheese himself!!!! How fun.

HOWEVER... The best part of the night was that TUCKER TOOK HIS FIRST STEP!!!!! YAY!!!! He wanted to get over to a little carousel there and just took a step toward it. Of course once we saw that, we had to see if we could get him to do it again
So great!!! Guess I'll have to see if any of those after Thanksgiving sales have baby corrals in them ;)

Monday, November 10, 2008

Tucker's Well Child Visit

So Tucker had his 15 month check up last week and everything is just great. His current stats are 75th% for height and 25th% for weight, which I asked the Dr. to re-check because I was certain it was an error. Nope, depite the fact that his favorite place to be is in the kitchen cleaning up plates, apperantly all the running around is working it off. He's doing all the 15 month old typical things, minus walking. However, Ben didn't even put his feet flat on the floor until he was Tucker's age, and I think he's turned out pretty darn great so far, so, not to worry Ü One thing that has been so different with Tucker vs. Ben, is that Tucker has many of the side effects that come with immunizations, and Ben had next to none. This time his mom was smart enough to give him the Motrin BEFORE the shots and that seemed to help a smidgen. Anyway, I sure love this little boy, and I feel so blessed to have such healthy, strong boys.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Lucky 7!

7 things I can do:
1. LOVE my 2 delicious boys
2. Laugh
3. Teach
4. Enjoy my blessings
5. Have great relationships with family and friends
6. Boil a mean pot of water
7. Get Snippy

7 things I can't do:
1. Drive safely
2. Resist "kissy cheeks"
3. Fit into a size 6
4. Make myself throw up
5. Remember plans I've made (grrrrr)
6. Drive a Semi
7. Text very fast

7 things that I love about my boys:
1. They showed me that my heart can hold more love than I could have EVER imagined
2. They make me laugh every day
3. They teach me patience Ü
4. The look of wonder in their eyes when they see something new for the first time
5. They way they smell after a bath and lotion
6. They occasionaly let me snuggle them
7. They are the greatest thing that EVER happened to me

7 things I say most often:
1. Oh that is delicious
2. Whooo Hoooo
3. Where's Ben? (He loves hiding these days)
4. Tucker, NO!!!
5. Take out your word work notebooks and a pencil
6. LOL
7. Night, night sweetheart

7 celebrity admirations:
1. Glenn Beck
2. Oprah
3. Pres. Monson
4. Jack Black/ Kung Fu Panda
5. Stephanie Meyer
6. Christopher Reeve
7. Whoever invented Google!!!

7 favorite foods:
1. Chocolate
2. Dr. Pepper
3. Chicken Roll-ups
4. Hawiian Haystacks
5. Sunday Dinner
6. Cream Cheese Won Tons
7. Chocolate

7 people to tag:
1. Shelby
2. Amanda
3. Tina
4. Lori
5. Juli
6. Alyson
7. Bonnie

Monday, October 27, 2008

Editor and Chief

So I was folding laundry in my room today, when I noticed that Tucker had gotten awfully quiet. I went to see what he was up to, and was reminded, yet again, how observent these little ones are.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Our Trip to the Witch Parade

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We took our 2nd annual trip to Gardner Village today to see the witches on parade.
This slideshow is set to the new song Ben learned at preschool today.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

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We had a fun, fun day together today. It's Thursday and for the past year and a half, a few of my friends and I have been getting together for play day. We stopped at the store on the way to get an umbrella stroller, and the boys took a ride on the carosel. Then it was off to the pumpkin patch. What a perfect day. Enjoy!!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Ahhh Sleep and Video Games

What more do two boys need when recovering from a cold. Gotta be the best boy medicine out there right?

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Tucker's First Birthday!!!!

Get Ready!!!

Get Set!!!

All Done!!!

Tucker was so excited to be able to have his cake all to himself. We had a fun night with our family. Tucker received some fun things from everyone, but he was definatley ready to call it a night by the end Ü Good thing Hanna was there so he could tell her all about it.

I can hardly belive that it has been a year. He is such a light in my life. I love being a mommy more than anything!!!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

24th of July Weekend

We just had a great weekend in Idaho with Matt and Julie's family.

Thursday we had a great day relaxing together, riding 4-wheelers, shooting clay pigeons, enjoying some delicious home-made cream cheese won tons and playing a fun game of Scategories.

Friday we took a trip to a hot spring and then went and played in the river.
On the way home we took a little "short-cut." The road was rather dusty and I was following my brother Matt way too closley, so... I slid us off the road. By some miraculous intervention the car stopped before rolling down the hill. It was a very scary few moments, but it brought about a great learning experience for me and some wonderful spiritual experiences for all of us involved. I was so grateful for my family that was involved and the way everyone pulled together. The friday night fun was just beginning at this point. Merrill's Expedition got stuck in 4 wheel drive. (Not good for somone scheduled to be in a triathlon in 12 hours.) Then there were some pulmbing "issues" that got discovered when we got back to Matt and Julie's. Oh wow... quite a day.

Saturday we got up early and headed to Burley, ID to watch Merrill compete in the Spudman triathlon. There was such a great energy there as he ran in to finish the race.

As you can see we had a GREAT weekend together.

"This was the best vacation EVER! I LOVE THIS FAMILY" --Dash The Incredibles

Tucker's First Haircut

So.... Tucker's mom thought it would be a good idea to give him his first haircut. (Don't ask me what she was thinking.) Well good thing hair grows back, and good thing he's only one :)

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Here They Are!!!

So these are my "2 Delicious Boys!!!"
First, My Ben. He's my best bud. We have so much fun together. He is learning so many new things each day. It's wonderful and scary all at the same time. I get to watch what I am saying so much closer these days, because he picks things up SO fast. He says things every day that make me laugh so much. The latest one that comes to mind is this; I'm taking group voice lessons from Merrilee Webb, and she gives us a practice CD each time we meet. We were getting in the car the other day, and I had the CD in my hand as I was buckling him in. He asked "Mom, what's that?" So I told him it was my CD from Merrilee. He looked at me and said "Like Merrilee Christmas?" HeHeHe There is something like that everyday. I LOVE those.
Second is Tucker Bud. He's my other best bud. Those big blue eyes never stop watching what is going on. He's almost 10 months (good gracious!!!!) and he wants to get going so bad!!! He is super close to crawling. I'm a little concerned about that one. He has a much more, shall we say, "adventurous" side than Ben did. Ben was more of a watch and learn kid. Tucker seems to want to do it himself. It is wonderful to have two such different but perfect little boys. They truly are the Light of my Life.

OK I'm in!!!

I haven't been too sure about this blog stuff, but Holy Bananas, I can see how this could get addicting. I love the idea of sharing all the cute fun things that my hansom boys do!!! If blogging irritates you, I do apologize. However, if you'd like to keep up on all the juicy parts of my fantastically fun you go!!!