Ok if you're still here, this post may help with your diet plan.
I'm doing my best to heed the words of Elder Worthlin, and loving what has come my way this week. You may have already asked yourself, what on earth is Liz doing posting on her blog at 3:45am. Well, lets start there for our first bodily fluid of the week.
VOMIT: This guest showed up on Tuesday of this week, just as we were all dressed and about to head out the door for Ben's preschool, and my presidency meeting. Ben got THAT LOOK on his face and before I could say, "Are you ok sweetie," BLUGH....
AMAZING how quickly your plans for the day can take a flying leap out the window after an incident like this. We were doing great for the next few hours, having quite a restful day of movies and juice, and then came nap time. This time however, my little champ got every drop into his "Hiccup" bowl.
Wednesday came and went without incident (minus Grandma coming home with this junk :(.) Thursday was going along just swimmingly. We had a nice day, enjoyed a fun dinner with the Wilkins and Amanda, and headed over to the Festival of Trees. Ben rode over from the restaurant with the Wilkins and I met them as they walked into the festival. I was standing by Ben, when once again, THE LOOK. Just a tip. When you see THE LOOK on your child's face and you're 8 feet away from a garbage can, do not spend those last precious seconds creating a hiccup bowl out of your child's jacket. IT DOESN'T WORK. Get to the garbage can!!!! And yes again...
One funny point. As we were walking to the bathroom to attempt to clean up, Ben looked down and said "Oh man, I got it on my shoes." Ü
We cleaned up, took off his top shirt, and went back into the festival, praying that the joyous smells of Christmas would overpower, the terribly unpleasant smells of the flu. (Just an FYI- He really wanted to stay. Devin was there. Need I say more?)
And now we come to the part of why I am up posting. Just a brief 45 mins. ago or so, I was abruptly awaken to THE SOUND. Ben was sleeping in my bed and sat up to once again "hiccup" all over the pillow he was sleeping on. So, **sigh** I type this to the sound of my bedding in the washer, and now you know why my poor sick little boy is sleeping on the couch with the bowl nearby.
Thankful fors: A sister that will call for a clean up on aisle five, while we leave the scene
A friend who is such a good friend, that double bagging the hiccup bowl jacket is not beyond her
Clorox Wipes & Lysol spray
Antibacterial Soap
Tide with bleach
Guest number two- Pun intended- is indeed diarrhea. Because this flu comes with two symptoms, and I have two boys... Whaaa La. Tucker got the other end. Again, when we were ALMOST out the door Thursday morning, I walked down the hall to get Tucker to put his shoes and socks on, and poop was literally bubbling out of his pants. He had a look of, "Mom, what the heck is going on." I can't say that I blame him. I've never seen such a sight myself. Tucker has had more wardrobe changes this week than he has had in his entire 16 months of life.
Thankful fors: Washers and Dryers
The bubbling pants came BEFORE we left the house
An abundance of 12-18 month clothes
And our third and final (I hope) guest of the week... BLOOD
Now this award goes entirely to me. I'm thinking about finding out if Brittney Spears has any room on her "not perfect" mother's page.
Ben has been doing this cute thing where he will put his green Lightning McQueen hat on backward, and put the red one on Tuck the same way. Well I really wanted to catch a shot of this, but Tucker is a mover. So, in all my wisdom, I thought, "I know, all put him on the table set up for Grandma's sewing, and have Ben stand next to him. Oh no, at the moment I stepped back and snapped the shot, Tucker MOVED. (See below) Landing right on his face, he managed a fat lip, bloody nose, and a lovely bonk on his head. Please don't call DCFS. I really do love my children. Wow!!! Not much more I can say about this one. Sorry Tuck :(
Thankful fors: Sinus cavities that protect the brain
Licorice so that my 1 year old can be distracted while I get the bleeding to stop
Spray and Wash. Takes the blood out of all shirts involved
Time to go switch the laundry and try to get some rest. Hope that I could make you feel better about your parenting skills, and your week ;)
Tucker just wants to be like Grandpa sooo much!! I hear ya on the craziness of it all, way to be grateful~
I was just about to take a pic of the hiccup remains before I thought...maybe that's TMI! And after the "housekeeping" lady arrived she said, "Do you want to keep the jacket?" (Which was in the pile of hiccup remains) I said, "Ummmm, yeah, do you have a bag I can put it in?" She said, "No." (she wasn't much help in that department) So I told Devin to take off his jacket because we were going to have to wrap up Ben's jacket in his. He freaked a tiny bit, but took it off graciously. Luckily, that's when Amanda came flying in to rescue the jacket with to cotton candy bags from the concession stand...one on each hand. She used one hand to pick up the jacket and the other to hold open the bag to put the jacket in. It all sounds more comical today than is was while standing there guarding it so the foot traffic didn't go trapsing through it!!!
Oh, Liz...that's no fun at all! I'm sorry you had to deal with all that last week! Hopefully that's all they'll get for a while, and good thing it came before Christmas. And as for Tucker's incident, sounds like something any mom could do, so don't feel bad. Babies are resilient, thank goodness, or we'd all be in trouble!
What a December for you, Elizabeth! I hope you get to have a good night's sleep tonight. What did the Dr. say?
Ahh... poor little boys! They are so cute and I am going to miss Ben in the nursery. Now he can just drive all the girls wild in Sunbeams! :)
I remember we were on our way to the store once with McKenna when she let it loose all over the back seat. I have never seen fluids shoot out of anyone like that before! I don't remember thinking any grateful thoughts though... Thank you for sharing that perspective!
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess that Amanda was "the friend". She shows no fear when it comes to that stuff. She's amazing!
Poor Liz, none of that sounded fun, but I'm glad you got thru it!
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